Hello, my name is Claire. I was born in England, UK and spent my life there until I was 19 years old. While I was there, I studied Child Care and got my Diploma in Child Care. My UK Diploma is equivalent to a Diploma here in Australia according to ACECQA. After I qualified and just after my 19th birthday I went to America as an Au Pair, for 3 & half years. I took care of children and did housework. I had an amazing time in America. After returning to England where I had my daughter Alex I decided to become a Foster Carer.
You will hear me telling prospective parents that we go on excursions and your children will get dirty here!! Most of all they will have a blast!
My aims as an Educator is to provide an environment of the uppermost quality that allows each child to have the time and opportunity to play and develop. i provide a stable, secure, safe, nurturing and caring setting in which children can grow in all developmental areas … socially & emotionally, speech & language, physically, cognitive, fine and gross motor skills.