Our vision for Reconciliation
NQ Family Day Care’s journey of reconciliation is one of continuous transformation moving towards understanding, acknowledgement and respect. We commit to deeper engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with the goal of achieving positive outcomes in Aboriginal and Torres Strait education.
We respect and celebrate our Indigenous heritage and cultures in the hope to promote acceptance. These principles underpin important opportunities for all Australians.
We commit to extending our cultural knowledge by creating opportunities for our team, the children and their respective families in our service to build knowledge and experiential learning. We commit to ongoing learning and conversations about reconciliation within our service encouraging understandings, ongoing reflection and building relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in our community.
Our Reconciliation Action Plan has the potential to make a difference to the lives of all people in our community through activities/ events and celebrations that embrace truth, acceptance and acknowledging historical events alongside the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and advance reconciliation through daily embedded practices.