
NQ Family Day Care is committed to sustainable practices in the the Educator home and at the scheme level.


Some of our practices include:

  • Using Recycled items such as cardboard, plastic lids and containers and catalogs, wherever possible.
  • Cans and plastics are recycled within the office as well. Our curriculum for children includes sustainable practices education inclusive of practices such as the above. Outings and Excursions may be planned to support this as an educational practice at an appropriate level for each child.
  • Learn about our waterways, and the effects on the community, the environment and the Great Barrier Reef.
  • Reduce the amount of disposable plastics used in the environment. We do this by encouraging families to send food  in re-useable containers. We reuse plastic bags and containers. Wherever possible we source items that are packaged in recycled or recyclable packaging materials.
  • Using Natural items like leaves, seeds, sticks, mud and sand.
  • Land care such as planting and maintaining a natural environment.
  • Value energy as a resource by turning off lights, fans and electronic equipment when not in use. Use renewable sources of energy such as solar.
  • Reduce the amount of water used by encouraging children to understand the importance of water and when finished with,  reuse the water in the  gardens. 
  • Produce our own food sources such as herbs, vegetables and fruits where possible.
  • Recycle food scraps to worm farms or composts and educate the children in the natural cycle of decomposing and the benefits that this has to the environment.
  • Using paper and cardboard in the gardens as mulch and compost, as well as bedding for our worm farms.

To help our educators to assist the children and their families on their sustainability journey, we have teamed up with Sustainable Directions to deliver training and education.

Thank you to abeec Hives for our wonderful bee hives!

If you would like to purchase a native bee hive for your property, just add the code nqfdc to the checkout for a 10% discount